Video: Boeing Tests Taildragger Version Of The 787 Dreamliner!

You'd think a taildragger version of a modern airliner would at least get a really snazzy tailwheel, but nope, they've given it a tailskid! Even weirder, they left the nose wheel on the airplane too!
Ok, so it's not really a taildragger, but it sure is cool seeing the 'tail dragging' tests that Boeing recently performed on the prototype 787 to determine the minimum unstick speeds, or the slowest speeds that the airplane will leave the ground. This really great video shows a variety of the tests the Dreamliner flight-test fleet has been going thru on the way to certification. Based on what they are showing here, it sure looks like the airplane is doing very well - woohoo!

Reader Comments (2)
You guys at Boeing just flat rock! I love watching the results of your hard work!
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