Video: Fire Breathing R-3350’s On The Breitling Super Constellation!

I love me some jets, but seeing this video from inside the Breitling Super Constellation during take off and climb out with the ginormous Wright R-3350’s spewing fire as they turn gorgeous propellers reminds me that I was born about 40 years too late. Wow, what an awesome sight and sound!
The Breitling Super Constellation is based in Switzerland and is operated by the Super Constellation Flyers Association. She’s truly a beauty!
Breitling Super Constellation photo: Mike Switzerland / Wikimedia

Reader Comments (12)
just imagine how cool that must look at night!
Jay- My dad flew 35 years at United, and back in the 50's he flew the DC-7 which also had the Wright R-3350's on it. I remember him saying that they often had passengers concerned that the engines were on fire, especially at night. Kinda funny, they were worried, but we'd pay extra for fire spewing engines!
I used to be a farmer and loved to do field work at night because I had a Farmall 1256 tractor with a diesel engine that would blow 8 inches of flame out of the exhaust pipe. I could stare at that all night long. The only thing better would have been a Farmall with a radial engine!
What I like about this is that it demonstrates a great quality of Super Constellation--it works equally well in forward and reverse!
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I spent 8 yearson connie's and saw this sight at night and it's much prettery and awsome. wosmun
It would be nice to see the Breitling Super Connie, Fifi (last flyable B-29 Superfortress) and the last flying Douglas DC-7B together at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh sometime. By the way, it would also be nice if John Travolta would put his Boeing 707 on display at Oshkosh too.
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