Boeing 787 Poll - We Wait Cuz It's Late But Will It Be Great?

Q1 2009 will be gone before we know it, which means Q2 is fast approaching... And that's the latest target ‘quarter' for Boeing's 787 Dreamliner to finally slip the surly bonds of earth. I sure hope this is a target they can hit cuz I think that almost 2 years behind schedule is quite enough, don't you!?
Don't get me wrong tho, I'm bullish that this airplane will be as great a success story in the long run as the 747 has been, and I shared those thoughts a few weeks back when I was a guest on the AirplaneGeeks podcast #33.
My thinking here is if Airbus was a full 2 years behind making an airplane with essentially off the shelf technology, how much harder must it be to pretty much re-invent the commercial airliner like Boeing is doing with the 787.
The fact that it looks like they might have a firm grip on only 2 years behind might actually be a pretty good accomplishment. Might.
This brings us to the question I ask you in the poll below. I'm curious to know if you think this project is going to rise up victorious and position Boeing clearly in the lead once again as a global airframer, or do you think this will be the airplane that truly weakens Boeing's place in the marketplace? The truth of the situation might well fall somewhere in the middle, but it's still interesting to see what people think.
You know how I voted, as I'm fully expecting the 787 to revolutionize air travel. Unless of course, the global economy shrivels up and falls head first into some black hole leaving all of us to be more concerned with how to grow potatoes!
(Sorry, this poll has expired)

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