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In-Flight Video Of The Sikorsky X2 Coaxial Eggbeater (300 mph!)

 This video is a couple months old now, but if you haven't seen any of the Sikorsky X2 in flight, I think you'll enjoy it. Well, you may have to turn your speakers down some to actually 'enjoy' it... they have some really annoying music running thru most of the video. However, there's a ton of great views of the X2 in flight from back in September when it reached the program's design goal of 250 knots airspeed in straight and level flight. Pretty impressive stuff to be sure. It even reached 260+ knots (300 mph) with the nose slightly lowered.

 It's also interested to see what appears to be a mockup of a version intended for genuine military applications in the hangar at the start of the video. With Sikorksy engineering some advanced blade technology into the coaxial counter-rotating system, and that highly effective 'push' fan at the rear, the X2 seems to be showing itself to be a truly viable answer to the VTOL with fast cruise question. Should be very interesting to see where it all leads.

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