CoolPix - Airliners: Airbus A380 Looking Really Big At Oshkosh 2009

Seeing the Airbus A380 at Oshkosh 2009 was fantastic no matter how you look at it. To see the world's largest airliner put on a flight demo right in front of you was amazing! And of course, a light airplane (if you can ever call an A380 light!) showing off in a sunny sky made it all the better.
This pic I took does a really good job of highlighting the rubber-rich landing gear, which just happens to be at the very start of the retraction cycle - you'll notice the large nose and main gear doors are opening. You also get a good view of both leading and trailing edge flaps here. That wing is just unbelievably big, especially at the root.
It's also interesting to see some moisture trails coming off the inboard nacelle strakes on the two right engines due to the high angle of attack. I really enjoy looking at the details in a pic like this : )
Having the A380 on display thru the week was a huge treat (no pun intended), and I'm so glad I had the chance to see her up close. I'm really hoping we'll see a fanplastic 787 on display this year, but so far I haven't heard a word about the possibility.

Reader Comments (5)
It sure did look good in flight! I just wish I hadn't looked at it quite so closely on the ground.
Up close, you could see lots of speed tape and peeled paint (especially on the tail). Now, I know this unit is a test bed unit and I suspect all the degradation I saw was from testing the edges of the envelope, but to see that much wear on a "new" plane was slightly disconcerting.
Mike - And that's probably after they prettied her up for public display! I didn't think it looked too bad actually, but I understand your concern. Maybe it was the landing at OSH... did you see the video of it? I don't think it was a big deal like some did, but no doubt it was firm with a capital 'F'.
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