Video: More Amazing Turbine Powered A-10 Warthog RC Models

'A-10 Warthog Week' is gonna continue until Memorial Day when we will honor those who have lost their lives serving in the U.S. Military. It's also a great time to remember and honor those who have served and are serving now. THANK YOU.
For a little bit of fun, here's a couple more A-10 RC model videos to check out. The first one above has a fantastically detailed model with turbine engines, and even some sort of dummy fans (that look like they even spin?) just inside the nacelles to make it look that much more real. This model also has decelerons, ailerons that split to also act as dive brakes, just like the real A-10! It's also built pretty stinkin' tough, just like a real Warthog... if you watch it all, you'll see it lose several parts and experience some serious inflight flutter, but no catastrophic failure! What an airplane : )
This video isn't quite as exciting since the airplane doesn't seem to lose any parts inflight,(!) but it's very cool because it looks so real in flight. The twin turbines even sound very scale. I'm beginning to think the Warthog is just about the best aircraft to build to create the most realistic appearnce in flight. These guys have done some amazing work!
More 'A-10 Warthog Week' yet to come!
Catch the Air Combat Command A-10 East Demo Team
at the Indy Air Show June 12th and 13th

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