Video: Red Bull Air Race In New York! Big Race Tomorrow!

Watch the New York race live Sunday 6-20-10 starting at 2:10pm EDT via
the free web feed at (click 'live' button under logo)
3 great Red Bull Air Race videos for you to check out as the first ever race in New York got under way today. This first video has Michael Goulian taking you on a ride thru the Hudson River track so you can see what the guys are up against. (Check out my Michael Goulian podcast interview for more info on what it's like racing Red Bull style!)
This video is pure action from today's qualifying. I watched all this live today on the free web feed that comes from the official race website - and you can watch tomorrow's race there too starting at 2:10pm EDT. Just click the 'live' button under the RBAR logo at The coverage is amazing, really. Fantastic video, great commentary, perfect graphics & effects and an excellent fast pace. Please check it out if you can, you'll be very impressed.
And this video gives a detailed breakdown of how the racers did in this qualifying day. The weather forecast looks really good for racing on Sunday, tho it's probably gonna be pretty hot... hopefully the racing is too!

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