OSHKOSH Pic Stream #8 - Departures (Includes C-5 Galaxy - 22 pix)

Some people drool over a Piper Malibu, Beech Bonanza, or a Cirrus SR22, but if I was able to have any airplane that could take a few friends along and get there kinda quick, I'd want this Mr Mulligan replica! I'm assuming this is the one from the Arkansas Air Museum as I'm not aware of any other replicas of this most amazing aircraft from the mid 1930's. 550 hp hangin' off the nose and room for four... I'm likes it!
I got this pic while on the way to help my friend @adamcanfly get his camping stuff moved from Camp Scholler to the far south end of the airport so we could load it into the Cherokee he had flown in from Kansas. We had to stop and let Mr Mulligan taxi by in front of us, and it's hard to catch me at Oshkosh without my camera. Mr Mulligan looked to be all loaded up and blasting off for home on this morning, the the last day of Oshkosh.
Once we got down past the south end of 18-36 where the Cherokee was parked, which btw, Adam claims is actually far enuf south to be considered part of Fond du Lac and not Oshkosh(!), I realized that some of the departing aircraft were going right overhead. Another great time to grab the camera! This pic is a modern WACO with the nifty FlyWACO.com web address on the underside : )
I don't think Duggy was actually leaving when I got this pic, probably just up for some morning flying. I think it's kinda cool to get an airplane picture from the ground that can also look like it was taken air-to-air. You don't have to try very hard to imagine me sitting in another DC-3 as we head in formation off to some exotic destination. But instead, I was on the ground, very far south of all the action on Wittman Field, and taking pictures in between handing Adam his camping gear so he could get the Cherokee loaded. Not so exotic, but a great day nonetheless.
A nice Beech Staggerwing headed for home. The tailwheel doors are almost closed, and the main gear still has a little way to go to be fully tucked inside.
I have a really bad habit of snubbing the T-28's at Oshkosh cuz they're just not as cool as a 'real' warbird. I'm trying to make up for that a little by posting this nice pic of a great looking Trojan. Maybe by next year I'll grow up a little and start respecting the T-28 like I should!
The AeroShell T-6's went overhead, but they weren't in a real tight formation, so I keyed on one airplanes as they went by. They were actually going up to join with Matt Younkin in the Twin Beech for a 'missing man' tribute pass over the airport. Might have been practice for later in the day.
Here's the Ford Tri-Motor that was in AeroShell Square during the week near the Ford Motor Company display area.
Here's a great view of Matt Younkin's Twin Beech as he went overhead on the way to join the AeroShell T-6's.
After Adam was all packed up for the trip home, I headed a little way to the north, but still well to the south of everything to wait for the C-5 to depart. They were a little behind their 11 am scheduled departure, but not by much.
I was caught off guard by how quickly after starting the takeoff roll that he rotated... the joys of monstrous sized airplanes with no payload and little fuel on board! It was an awesome sight to see as that huge wing and the four big turbofans stirred up a lot of dust.
I learned something I never knew about the C-5 (well, ok, maybe I'm getting old enuf that I did once know this but have forgotten!)... all four of the 6-wheel main gear trucks actually pivot before they begin to move up into the fuselage. This picture is interesting as it shows all of them beginning the pivot process.
Here you can see that they have all turned a full 90 degrees. It makes a pretty crazy looking sight if you didn't know what was going on!
Here they are now on the way up into the fuselage.
And by this point, they are all up inside and the doors nicely closed behind them. It was a pretty big thrill to be this close to a C-5 departing. Have I ever mentioned that I love Oshkosh?
The DC-7 was a fabulous highlight of Oshkosh 2010, and I was really pleased to be able to get these pix of it as it was departing. They made a couple passes over the airport once in the air, and the first one made for a good pic right overhead! It definitely made for an interesting view of this spectacular aircraft.
A lone pilot heading home in his Piper Cub.
This DC-3 in American Airlines colors was firing up right in front of me. I love seeing, and hearing big radial engines as they burn oil and sputter to life. It's a perfect sound. If you didn't already know, the DC-3 is definitely in my fantasy hangar.
And if I had a DC-3 to bring to Oshkosh, you can be pretty sure I'd give this little treatment a try! Could it get any better than a hammock strung between DC-3 gear legs while at Oshkosh? That's an easy one: no!
I've got a few more pix to roll into one last big Oshkosh post, and then thru the fall it'll be individual posts of unique aircraft and special experiences from the greatest aviation event in the world!

Reader Comments (7)
My dad had a beautiful model of Mr. Mulligan. I was in awe of it as a kid. It was one of his favorites. He also had a solid balsa P-40 and a gorgeous solid balsa XF-90. All that up in the attic was too much temptation for my brother and me. We would sneak up there for a look pretty regularly!
That first C-5 pic is a beauty!!
Great pics, can you post a link so we can get hi-res for the desktop....esp. the cub? ;)
Great material but there is much you don't know about the T28 or its combat history!
The first American-flown airstrikes in Vietnam were with T28s and a couple of A-26 Invaders, December 26, 1961. Ask the Ravens and other Special Ops pilots about the T28, or better yet join us for a beer at Oshkosh next year!
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geralabrye e3d3fd1842 https://goodshape1.com/riapiltadi
I heard what you need to say! You raise a great point and I’ve pondered exactly the same thing. I think remarks are certainly heard in any event, when it is a bustling discussion. Regardless of whether the creator have the transfer speed to answer each and every remark, other analysts that are bought in can bounce into the discussion like you and I are doing now.
One thing I’ve generally pondered is… the reason don’t more analysts get into conversations with other analysts? There are such countless valid statements to develop in an enthusiastic discussion.
I concur. I’d very much want to see more association between analysts to keep the discussion rising along.
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