Video: Sweet Sonex Shows Off Fab Smoke System - Smoke On!

This recently uploaded video from youtuber tomhuebbe is cool on many levels... beautiful aircraft, excellent video with great editing, and a really sweet smoke system on that tri-gear Sonex! The only way it could've been better was if it was a taildragger with a Y tail, a la Waiex.
(disclaimer: this statement reflects my own personal bias toward aircraft that have their landing gear configured in the old fashioned, out dated, difficult-to-fly, and obviously much more beautiful 'taildragger' arrangement. This opinion is my own and is not meant to belittle or in any way put down a pilot or builder who chooses the easy way out and drags his pitiful little nose. I also have an extreme fondness for aircraft with unique and exciting design components, and a Y shaped tail with a really small little rudder placed at the end of the fuselage wins out over a run-of-the-mill, uninspired, plane-jane standard tail any day. But again, I don't mean to snub anyone who chooses to tip toe down the middle of the road and selects a boring tail on their aircraft. It is still a free country... for now anyway : )
Screenshot from this awesome video of a smoke-system equipped Sonex

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