Caption Contest #64 - Ends Wednesday 10.19.11 At 9PM EDT

I haven't done the research for more info on this Chinese 'homebuilt' mostly cuz I'm afraid to know anything more about it than can be learned from this BoingBoing article where I learned of it. One thing I do know... it's a perfect Caption Contest pic!
So give it a go-round with your best and most clever caption my dear avgeeks. And don't forget that the winner will fetch a bacon sandwich at Oshkosh 2012, because cooked pig strips are most delicious!
You've got til Wednesday evening at 9pm EDT to submit your clever/funny/cool captions. Then, I’ll pick the best 5 and put ’em in a poll for everyone to vote on for all day Thursday and Friday so we can find the winner.
The Rules:
1) Max of 3 submissions per person
2) Submissions go in the 'comments' area
3) Game ends Wednesday at 9pm EDT
4) Keep it clean!
Then, anyone can cast their vote starting Thursday morning and running thru til 9pm EDT Friday. The winner will be posted Saturday morning 10-22-11. And hey, be sure to look at all the details around the edges of this pic for caption ideas : )
Reader Comments (21)
As many engines as the Spruce Goose and B-52...check. Individual throttles to sync them...wait, let me out of here!
Maestro Ching Min Wang tunes up in preparation for "Ploperrer Concerto in the key of G".
It's the new Ronco slicer, export version! It slices, it dices, take it to a cabbage field and you have instant Kimchi or coleslaw!
...the latest Barnum & Bailey Circus act to come from China...
The Chinese are said to have achieved flight centuries ago. This is NOT how they did it....
Where do all the fireworks attach at?
When he told the circus it was a new aerial tumbling act from China, they were NOT expecting this...
Saving money & weight by not including starter motors had seemed like a good idea at the time...
"Does it fly?..." umm, no it just keeps the fly's away.
Bass-O-Matic Chinese style.
I'm starting to feel old...
Bwahahahahaha, who needs octomom, we have the Octocoptor!
See? If you hold one prop like this, it provides directional control. But you gotta act kinda fast.
The High Priest at Prop-henge always hated this part of the daily religious ritual.
Well, let me explain it to you. See, all the propellors rotate clockwise, and the torque reaction is taken up by .... Uh, the torque reaction is taken up by .... Uh, hey, Feng, what takes up the torque?
With eight, you get egg roll.
Jim Bede guarantees plenty of engines for his new 16,000 fpm climb VTOL BD-13.
Kung Pao Ching is certain this contraption will "take off". Because it has 8 engines. And 8 stands for "LUCK" in China!
Once the Guinness crew arrives we'll begin making the world's largest milkshake with a blender so large it requires an operator in the middle.
Remove Shoes Before Flight
One good turn deserves another.....and another and another and another and another and another and another and another
Submissions for this Caption Contest are now closed.
The poll for voting should be up tomorrow morning (Thursday 10.20.11) - thanx!