Homebuilt Paramotor 'Instructable' - Cheap Thrills! (Video)

Check out the Instructables Build And Fly A Paramotor step by step info
This is a great Instructables video on the details of building up the powerpack and harness for a Paramotor. It comes from an Instructables account named Sky-Monkey, and in looking at his bio, I've got more in common than just an animal-in-the-air name... he's also plagued by almost too many interests to handle! One thing is sure, he's done an excellent job of putting together a 5 minute video and some step by step info showing the work that goes into building most everything except for the engine, prop and the parachute canopy.
Back in the day I made 110 skydives, and I was raised in a skydiving environment, so the idea of flying a parachute with an engine on your back has always interested me. However, I've never had the opportunity to pursue it like I probably should. This video gives me all the more reason to put Powered Para Gliding on my list! Oh, wait a minute... I see something shiny - I'll be right back : )
Instructables 'Sky-Monkey' and his excellent homebuilt Paramotor
Reader Comments (6)
This is great. Now I want to go skydiving, myself.
Good morning: And for me, quite personally,having watched this video it is both a good yet sad morning for this author. Good, in the sense of watching something come together, the work at 'ultra-lite' speed, and actually function in the sense that it was designed to do.
I am a very good inventor...ideas on paper and have a number of bio-medical patents to my name, YET, I did not build what I had designed...and for me, after watching this video, is the truly sad part. I will mope about for a few days and then realize that this video has inspired me to learn some hands on skills and perhaps...who knows. But, I wish to say here, KUDOS...KUDOS...KUDOS.
Well done.
It is really great, through this video I got some idea and it is very useful.We also have a great details and cheap paramotors product for more information please visit at Paramotor courses
Hope you find it useful.
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