Caption Contest #53 - Ends Wednesday 3.9.11 At 9PM EST

There's just no end to weird aircraft and the sometimes even weirder people who fly them! This pic should make for some fun captioning... so put on your wacky cap and embark on a quest to fetch up a bacon sandwich at OSH11 by having the best thought to go with the pic above.
As usual, you've got til Wednesday evening at 9pm EST to submit your clever/funny/cool captions. Then, I’ll pick the best 5 and put ’em in a poll for everyone to vote on for all day Thursday and Friday so we can find the winner.
The Rules:
1) Max of 3 submissions per person
2) Submissions go in the 'comments' area
3) Game ends Wednesday at 9pm EST
4) Keep it clean!
Then, anyone can cast their vote starting Thursday morning and running thru til 9pm EST Friday. The winner will be posted Saturday morning 3-12-11. And hey, don't forget to smile : )
Reader Comments (10)
Am I fat?
Captain to First Ofiicer: Son, they finally built an aircraft that can carry my wallet!
FO to Captain (under his breath): Yeah, and your EGO TOO!
I would pay to get that type rating removed from my license...
Tragic 747 birth defect
747 and B-29 love child.
Douglas DC-6 Big Gulp
"Dang'd engineers and their 3 martini lunches".
Squeeze the Flying Pimple!
"Who says you can't put lipstick on a pig?"
Submissions for this Caption Contest are now closed.
The poll for voting should be up tomorrow morning (Thursday 3.10.11) - thanx!