1977 Video Footage Of The YC-14 And YC-15 - Makes Me Happy!

You know, I can't really say why I have such a fondness for the ole Boeing YC-14 and McDonnell Douglas YC-15... but I do. I was a teen when these advanced STOL military lifter prototypes were developed and I followed their progress fairly closely at the time. Maybe it's because I was 14 and 15 years old when they first flew - tho ironically I was 14 when the YC-15 in had its first flight in 1975, and 15 when the YC-14 first flew in 1976. Confused? Don't worry about it, I think am too.
Anyway, there aren't a lot of videos on youtube of these airplanes, but I found one tonight that actually has some great footage of both of them. So if you're like me and you find these pudgy STOLers to be way cool, I'm pretty sure you'll love this video. If you're even more like me and you have an odd obsession with Boeing's USB (Upper Surface Blowing) beauty, you might wanna hit my YC-14 category (tho there's a little YC-15 and some other competing blown flaps stuff there too : )

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Reader Comments (4)
While stationed at NAS Moffet Field CA we watched with awe our neighbors at NASA Ames fly the QSRA (Quiet Shorthaul Research Aircraft). It too had the 'blown' wing but was cobbled from a DH Caribou (I think). Don't know for sure if it was a Boeing test bed but when I first saw the YC-14 I thought I was looking at an aerodynamically cleaned-up QSRA. It's performance looked unatural, too !
Nice video, Matt!
I wonder if engine development would be a reason to revisit the design of the YC-14. Would high-bypass turbofans incorporated to the existing (but perhaps updated) concept be a big benefit, or would their characteristics not work with this unique layout. I'm no engineer or aerodynamicist by any stretch, but would be curious to know if this concept has been revisited by Boeing (or anyone else) since then.
Sorry, should have been Martt. Apologies.
seerjfly- I remember seeing video of the QSRA flying off a carrier... pretty cool stuff. I'm unclear as to whether the QSRA was used to develop the YC-14 or if it was a continued outgrowth of the USB concept. Either way, I'm likes it : )
Jim Way- From everything I've read about the USB implementation on the YC-14, it was a fabulous success. Why the technology hasn't been further adopted seems a mystery to me. From enhanced lift, greatly reduced FOD concerns, and the reduced sound and heat footprint, it all seems positive. Plus, the YC-14 was a wild ride hotrod from a maneuverability standpoint. I'll try to do some research on the subject... I'm pretty sure some recent work has been done with a concept somewhat like what I came up with for the 737 USB fantasy I drew up a while back. BTW, no worries on my name, I've been dealing with that all my life : )