Sun, And Fun, Bring #SNF11 To A Close (16 Pix)

Like I mentioned yesterday, I'm just a tad obsessed with the Pitts Model 12. Here are two more nearly perfect examples to check out. The blue one being refueled belongs to Greg Connell, and the red one is Kendal Simpson's with the cowling off showing the fab M-14 radial engine that makes the 12 the beast that it is. Wow.
This STOL Zenith CH 750 was getting ready to head back home to Georgia. It was on display at the Zenith booth to replace the one that had been blown over in the big storm on Thursday. Several vendors faced some serious challenges in trying to do business in the storms aftermath.
I honestly haven't decided if cars that can fly (or airplanes that can drive down the road) are a good idea, but right here one is. It's the 'Maverick' which is a sort of dune buggy that can mount a huge parachute for a mega powered parachute experience. The front grill was an interesting touch : )
Here's another interesting project in the works that combines road operations with the ability to fly. it's called the Molnari, and it's part gyrocopter and part motorcycle, which equals GYROCYCLE. There's a lot to talk about on this one... watch for a detailed post before long.
The AeroShell Aerobatic Team very effectively manages to take the good ole T-6 (well four of 'em) and create a really nice airshow. It's hard to argue with four big radial engine and enough smoke to block the sun!
The F-22 demo today went better than the one yesterday that was cut short due to some sort systems failure while in flight. It's an amazing airplane to watch fly, and of course seeing it fly formation with a P-51 is just fantastic. I was in the same special photo spot again today which gave me a little different view of this Heritage Flight... and one of the coolest things was the very audible vortices that showed up several seconds after the airplanes had passed over. Sweet.
I could go on and on about the Blue Angels, but I really don't think it's necessary. It's easy enough to say that this is the greatest aerobatic team in the world. If you haven't ever seen them, or it's been a while, make some plans immediately to experience their performance in person. The power and precision is just as impressive to me every time... no matter how many times I've seen them.
Thank you Sun-n-Fun for bring the Blues to Lakeland, and for pushing ahead after a really rough start due to the weather, to wind up finishing the week with a great event. I'll be back.
Reader Comments (6)
Thanks for your sharing, this article is very good, I like it very much, as you learn a lot!-Givenchy reps uk
It's nice to see that that there are now apparently flying cars that do. As for the Maverick, how about introducing proper doors to the car and an extra seat? Obviously the Maverick is a hopeful start and I hope there will be more cars using such technology in the not too distant future. Even if the don't fly like the Doc's DeLorean at least there will be flying cars if they use the current Maverick technology.
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