Video: Bob Hoover Teaches Some Shrike Aerobatics!

With Oshkosh 2011 not very far down range, I figure now is a good time to get a fabulous, classic dose of Bob Hoover flying the Shrike Commander. I'm definitely looking forward to the special 'Bob Hoover day' on Tuesday July 26th at OSH this year... if anyone ever deserved some recognition, it's gotta be Bob. I've got memories of him flying the yellow P-51 that go all the way back to 1968 at the Reno Air Races - when I was just 7 years old! And I don't know how many times I saw him fly the Shrike, but it had to be at least 20.
This video I found on youtube is pretty old but it's really enjoyable, especially with Bob giving lots of narration, and with several excellent camera views of him doing the amazing things he did back in the 80's and 90's in the Shrike. One thing I remember from the Shrike shows that I really loved was when he'd shut down both engines at the same time... the sound that was made with the airplane at high speed, high power, and low altitude as the engines quit and the props feathered - wow, it was just awesome! You can catch just a bit of that sound in this video, but oh how I wish I could hear that again today.
Thank you Bob, for all the wonderful memories : )
(check out this Air & Space story for more on Bob Hoover)

Reader Comments (6)
Bob Hoover was ridiculous! So awesome.
Sad, Tuesday is going to be a travel day for me so I'll miss Bob Hoover day. Be at OSH Wed-Fri. though.
No matter how many times I watch that video it never looses it's WOW factor. What a great pilot. Airspeed is king. Thanks for posting.
Well said Mike - 'airspeed is king'
: )
Was privileged to see Bob Hoover perform both his P-51 and Shrike Commander rountines on the same day. Ending the Shrike routine with a dead stick loop, gear out on the top of the loop, landing and rolling to show center was beyond words.
I would like to share the following Bob Hoover feat - A dirty roll on takeoff in an OV-10 Bronco.
Great video, Martt. Lot's of great memories of Bob Hoover shows, met him several times.