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CoolPix: Scaled Composites Model 355 - Pilot Optional

Scaled Model 355 is now revealed as the Northrop Grumman Firebird (photo: jw2513)

 (click pic for hi-res)

 A few days ago there were some aviation news stories about a mysterious, apparent Rutan designed, UAV-looking flying machine that had been spotted flying near Beale Air Force Base north of Sacremento California. Today, much more info has been revealed about what this airplane is. It started life as Scaled Composites Model 355, and it first flew in February 2010. It's now officially known as the Northrop Grumman Firebird.

 The airplane is actually intended to compete with General Atomics Predator-to-Reaper class of unmanned aircraft, but the Firebird offers a unique twist: an optional pilot. As it turns out, the idea of using an onboard pilot when you want may be a pretty useful asset. Because the military and the FAA haven't really figured out how we will integrate unmanned aircraft with dense commercial airspace, the ability to transport or even operate the airplane with a real live pilot onboard becomes a potential selling point.

 To get a lot more detail on what all this means, check out today's story about the Firebird over at Aviation Week. And, while the airplane was built by the Northrop Grumman owned Scaled Composites, I think these days we need to realize that Burt Rutan has imparted a lot of his thinking into a pretty large group of people over the last 25 years, so the airplanes coming out of Scaled may look like his hands were directly involved, but thay may not have been. And of course, his recent retirement factors into this... we'll know better when we're looking at the Scaled airplanes that emerge in the next year or two.

 Lastly, be sure to click the pic above to examine it in hi-res. I always enjoy being able to see unique airplanes up close and in detail, but since I'm not gonna get the chance to see this airplane for real anytime soon, a picture like this one from flickr user jw2513 is a really nice substitute.


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Reader Comments (3)

That is a really cool looking private plan. Reminds me of the P-38 Lightning. I would like to fly one instead of boarding all those flights to manila.

September 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterHans

When's the next Aviation Week? I was anticipating it last time, but something came up so I couldn't go.

thailand holidays

November 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterD'traveller

perbifaego e3d3fd1842

December 21, 2021 | Unregistered Commenterperbifaego

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