Welcome Home Atlantis - The Shuttle Era Comes To A Successful End

This is a long version of the Atlantis STS-135 pre-dawn landing at Kennedy Space Center this morning... the landing that brings the Space Shuttle Program to a close. If you're short on time, bump up to the 4:30 mark for the final approach, including some fabulous views looking down the lighted runway from the pilot's seat.
The Space Shuttle has served America very well. Even with the Challenger and Columbia tragedies, and with leadership in Washington that sometimes seems confused about why we go into space, I know I'll always look at the Shuttle as a magnificent accomplishment of the American spirit.
Thank you to each and every of the thousands and thousands of people who have made the Shuttle Program a reality over the last 30 years. You have done amazing things and made us proud.
The Space Shuttle Program commemorative patch signifying 30 years of service

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