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« CoolPix: Cockpit Of CAF B-29 FIFI Thru Side Window At OSH11 | Main | Boeing 787 Dreamliner Goes Public At Oshkosh 2011 (14 Pix) »

CoolPix: The Complicated Rotor Head Of The MH-53 Sea Dragon

(click pic for hi-res)

 One of the aircraft on display at OSH11 as part of the 100th anniversary of Naval Aviation was this Sikorsky MH-53 Sea Dragon mine-sweeping helicopter. This is the largest family of western helicopters, and third largest in all the world behind two of Russia's mega rotorcraft. The 7 blade rotor on the MH-53 is just under 80 feet in diameter! Max takeoff weight is just over 70,000 pounds and she can cruise about 175 mph. She's a beast to be sure.

 I took a look at the mechanicals related to the rotor head and was amazed at the amount of linkages, fittings, hardware and both flexible and rigid lines that make it all up. This actually works? Wow, simple it is not! I thought it made for a fascinating picture... especially when you click the pic to see this CoolPix image in hi-res.

 Below is a view of the MH-53 being tugged into position on the ramp at OSH11. At the bottom is a video of a couple the very similar CH-53 Sea Stallions taking off from a carrier. You see very clearly how much air has to be pushed down to make these massive machines go up!


Navy MH-53 Sea Dragon mine-sweeping helicopter at Oshkosh 2011


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Reader Comments (5)

Man! That first one looks intense. Forget doing a FOD walk everyday, just start one of those up, Fod-Be-Gone.

August 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMarvin

Marvin- It is pretty hard to imagine that much air being moved... seems like you could get blown off the deck pretty easy! BTW, nice meeting you at OSH11 : )

August 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMartt (admin)

12,753 shimmy dampeners in close formation !

August 2, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterseerjfly

Nice to meet you to, Martt.

August 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMarvin

hooo.... fantastic...

I love it!!

August 7, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterreceitas vegetarianas

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