Day #2: AirPigz Air Force Museum MeetUp (1-28-12)

(click pic to enlarge) Main gear leg of the incredible XB-70 Valkyrie
Not a lot of info in this post, I just wanted to share a bit from Saturday January 28, 2012 at the Air Force Museum MeetUp. Most of the day was spent over at the R & D hangar across the field from the main museum buildings. The R & D area, (which is connected to the Presidential aircraft display area) is my favorite part of the entire AFM experience. There's so much stunning aviation/aerospace history in that building! The dominating figure in the hangar is the XB-70 Valkyrie, the Mach 3+ high-altitude bomber from the early 60's. It takes my breath away every time I see it. I paid particular attention to its landing gear this time, and the image above gives you a ground level view of one of the main gear legs. There'll be a dedicated post on the gear in the future... so we can talk about that funky little wheel between the axles : )
The addition pix here are of two other very unique aircraft gear legs, and I'll have more detail on them in the future as well. The R & D hangar is a great place to see some highly unusual experimental aircraft concepts and configurations. It seemed everyone at the MeetUp was reeeeeally enjoying their time there! The final pic is most of the group from Saturday just after we returned into the main museum.
(click pic to enlarge) The very unusual XF-91 and its very unusual main gear legs
(click pic to enlarge) The crazy-cool LTV XC-142 VTOL and its unusual main gear leg
Here are most of the guys from Air Force Museum MeetUp group from Saturday
(thanx to Charles Johnson from Ohio Air News for taking the pic!)
Reader Comments (2)
Looks like you guys are having a great time!
EyeNo- We sure are - wish you could have made it this year!