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CoolPix: Avspecs de Havilland Mosquito In The Air - Bravo!

(click pic for hi-res)  The amazing de Havilland Mosquito in the air in New Zealand

 Words aren't needed here... just click this CoolPix to open it up big and savor the amazing work done by the people of de Havilland over 70 years ago, and the restoration work done the people at Avspecs (and others) over the last eight years. The Mosquito is a stunning human accomplishment, and this is the only one flying in the entire world.


(Mosquito on AirPigz)


(photo: Avspecs open house Saturday 9-29-12: from a friend of AirPigz in New Zealand)


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Reader Comments (1)

Passion FOR flying
Hello everyone,My name is Lucas, I am twelve years old. I'm student on high school.
My first flight was in Mommy's tummy when I was three weeks!
I live in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
My dream is to become an airplane pilot.
I collect everything about airplanes. I'm sending this message because I am looking for opportunities to gain any material about airplanes, anything at all. It may be a pencil, a pen, a notebook, cards, posters, caps, magazines, t-shirts, a pen drive and perhaps even a model of airplanes.
My dad’s E-mail is
Would you visit my dad’s blog? So, go to: http//
visit my blog: http//
Thank you, thank you
I will wait to receive the memories
thank you so much,
TO : Lucas Carvalho
Rua Guian Nro 322 Apro: 43
Bairro Campestre
São Paulo - SP
CEP: 04330090
Lucas Carvalho
I really appreciate and I am so glad and thankfully for you attention.
Yours faithfully,
Lucas Carvalho

October 14, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterlucas rodrigues

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