Gettin' It Wright... Caption Contest #79 - Ends Wednesday 12.19.12 At 9PM EST

What could be better for an avgeek on a December 17th than remembering what the Wright brothers accomplished on this day back in 1903 while you also set your thoughts on winning some tasty BACON! If you fry up the winning caption for the pic above you'll snag a bacon sandwich at Oshkosh 2013.
And while we're talking about the Wright brothers, you might wanna consider joining in the AirPigz National Air and Space Museum MeetUp (in Washington DC) that'll take place January 25-27, 2013... the genuine and authentic Wright Flyer (as seen in the pic above) is on display there along with a massive collection of other historic and fascinating aircraft. The MeetUp currently has about 15 avgeeks that are planning to attend, but it would be great to have even more! Get more info in my previous post about the NASM MeetUp, and if you're interested in knowing more, be sure to use the link in that post that'll get you on the email list.
Now back to the Caption Contest... you've got til Wednesday evening at 9pm EST to submit your clever/funny/cool captions. Then, I’ll pick the best 5 and put ’em in a poll for everyone to vote on for all day Thursday and Friday so we can find the winner.
The Rules:
1) Max of 3 submissions per person
2) Submissions go in the 'comments' area
3) Game ends Wednesday at 9pm EST
4) Keep it clean!
Then, anyone can cast their vote starting Thursday morning and running thru til 9pm EST Friday. The winner will be posted Saturday morning 12-22-12 (if we live that long : )
And thank you Orville and Wilbur for getting aviation off the ground!
Reader Comments (18)
Landings are mandatory.
Any landing you can walk away from is a good landing.
I believe I can fly....
Stop, stop, stop! I changed my mind. I want to fly it first!
"Don't forget to open your flight plan"
I miss that GE engine,
The bags ! The bags were sent to San Francisco ! and so it starts. . . .
I'm flying...I'm flying...oof!
Hey Wilber................we just changed the course of all mankind!!
Holy crap, we forgot the wheels!!
This was supposed to be a high-speed TAXI test !
Hey, what kind of IFE connectivity do you have?
No Orville. You must be at least a MILE high to join the Mile High Club.
Aww. Who are we kidding brother. No one will remember this day 100 years from now.
And so as the Wright Brother's "Birdless Carriage" lept into the air, history was made.
(Later over lunch they both agreed on a new name)
"I'm SAILING!!!"
"Orville, shoe's untied! (hee hee)"
"Just keep it below 250 till you get above 10,000 feet "
Millwright 1903 Charlotte Center, climb and maintain flight level 0005.........
Hey Bro, how much did that extra legroom seat cost ? (grin)
It's my first flight and I'm already doing low fly-bys!
Passengers should arrive a minimum of 30 minutes before their flight.
Submissions for this Caption Contest are now closed. Watch for your chance to vote for the winner in the poll that should be up tomorrow morning (Thursday 12-20-12) - thanx!