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Video: Paper Airplane Geeks Rejoice - New Distance World Record!

 Hey... designing, building and then throwing a paper airplane 226 feet 10 inches is a pretty big deal! That's what John Collins and Joe Ayoob have done as a team just last Sunday (February 26, 2012) in a hangar at McClellan Air Force Base outside of Sacramento California. As the video shows, that's a honkin' long way to throw a paper airplane! The team is expecting the feat to earn them a Guinness World Record as they have shattered the old record of 207 feet 4 inches set back in September 2003.

 For more details on the team and this new record-setting effort, check out this ESPN article. Then, to celebrate, I suggest you build the official 'perfect paper airplane' from AirPigz! Click the pic below to go to my dedicated post that I put up just weeks after the original launch of AirPigz way back in 2008. In that post you'll be able to print a pdf pattern (with awesome AirPigz graphics) and watch the video I made that shows you how to fold this incredibly great looking paper airplane.

Click the pic to for pattern and video instructions for the AirPigz Perfect Paper Airplane!

 I'm guessing the AirPigz paper airplane won't give the record any serious challenge, but carefully and properly built, this is one great flying piece of paper! C'mon, give it a try : )


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