Caption Contest #74 - Ends Wednesday 5.16.12 At 9PM EDT

It's time for a little more caption action, avgeek style! This pic from the past should prove pretty easy to come up with a pack of wacky captions as we set our sights on another winner of a bacon sandwich at OSH12 : )
So, you've got til Wednesday evening at 9pm EDT to submit your clever/funny/cool captions. Then, I’ll pick the best 5 and put ’em in a poll for everyone to vote on for all day Thursday and Friday so we can find the winner.
The Rules:
1) Max of 3 submissions per person
2) Submissions go in the 'comments' area
3) Game ends Wednesday at 9pm EDT
4) Keep it clean!
Then, anyone can cast their vote starting Thursday morning and running thru til 9pm EDT Friday. The winner will be posted Saturday morning 5-19-12.
Anybody have pancakes for breakfast this morning?
Reader Comments (20)
Well... Is not a Haunebu II, but close enough. Please make me a photo!
A standard bird trap ingeniously camoufloged to catch the bird man.
While the V-173 "Flying Pancake" did advance the field of discoidal aerodynamics, its true claim to fame was being used as a prop for the "Men of the US Navy" calendar's "Mr March" shot in 1942.
No, it's a Round Eze - with a rear-view window.....
"yeah, I just hand propped both these 242 inch props!"
V-173 Sponsored by: Mrs. Buttersworth's High Octane Av-Syrup.
Pancake Man, upon seeing his new ride, started to seriously question his choice of superhero persona.
Yes I know its a flying pancake but really do these sunglasses suit me or not ?
1. Yes, the propellers are turning properly. You got me out here for that?
2. I'm too sexy for my plane, too sexy for my plane, too sexy for my....
3. Everyone is waiting for the pilot to get back from the bathroom....
"Okay, hold your pose right there. Wait, move to your left a little...more....more....a few more steps... I want to get the entire prop in the shot."
After his stunning Airliner Number 4, Norman's Fighter Number 5 was all the rage until the props chewed up the wooden carrier deck...
Realizing that Naval Aviators were spending too much time on their pre-flight looks, the next generation attack aircraft revealed today featured "hair-o-matic" blades which are guaranteed to groom and slick back ANY style and type of hair in less than 30 seconds!
"Frankly I think the general is nuts. A demo team with pancakes in the lead, eggs on the side and bacon in the slot is NOT going to be the hottest thing since buttered toast."
The only other appearance of this strange aircraft was on the set of "Twister" 32 years later, sans the ingrown tail wheel.
"It's okay, I just feathered the props. It's completely safe."
(Loud Speaker): 'OK gang ... next move is right hand on right hip and gyrate to the left...') "Hey!!! I thought they said we need PILOT's NOT PILATES!!!
"Welcome, welcome, to one of live displays at the Ripley's Strange Flying Contraptions Traveling Road Show. Only 5 Cents per picture!"
"If this is thing can fly, then my name is Cousin Itt!"
Submissions for this Caption Contest are now closed.
The poll for voting should be up tomorrow morning (Thursday 5.17.12) -thanx!
Although the "flying catcher's mitt" never actually shot down an enemy aircraft during the war, it was credited with a victory when the enemy pilot laughed so hard he lost control of his plane.