HD Video: Kirby Chambliss, Red Bull, And GoPro Make A Great Combination!

This sweet promo video from the GoPro youtube channel for the HD HERO2 makes for fun 4 minutes! It has a strong music video feel with a loud background and edgy editing... usually I'm all for just let me hear the airplane but I gotta say I like this as entertainment. And the crazy-boy smile on Kirby's face as he flies inverted around some Arizona rock formations pretty much says it all.
Btw... I miss the Red Bull Air Races : /
(to watch in HD: hit play and then pause - then look for the 'gear' icon in the lower
right of the video window & select 1080p... click 'fullscreen' and enjoy!)
Video screenshot showing Kirby Chambliss having GoPro fun in the Arizona desert!
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