CoolPix 2Fer: Dave Folk's F4U-5 Corsair At The 2012 Indy Air Show

(click pic for hi-res) Dave Folk's awesome F4U-5 Corsair in the sunshine at Indy
(6 donations received so far - thank you, I really appreciate it)
I'm without a long lens of any kind for my awesome Canon T3i camera so I'm having to think up-close and personal this time around at the Indy Air Show. This might be a good time to mention how much I could really use YOUR support. Please don't be fooled by a good looking website that just keeps cranking out high-quality content... I promise you I am one of the poorest people you know! I continue to struggle so much financially that I slept in the car last night - not because I wanted to save some money, but because I didn't have the extra $60 for a hotel room. And I do work a day job, but climbing out of the massive hole in my life that 2008/2009 created has been extremely tough. So if you like what I do thru, and you've been blessed financially, please consider making a donation (any size) via the PayPal 'donate' button above and to the left. I don't usually ask for support, and I don't usually get it. Now I'm asking.
So, with me having to think up-close, I decided that the incredibly beautiful F4U-5 Corsair brought to Indy by Dave Folk would be an excellent subject for some nice tight images, kinda like what I did with Glacier Girl a while back: P-38 Glacier Girl - Up Close & Personal... Real Close! (23 Pix) - so I spent about an hour early today getting about 50 images of the Corsair, and I was gonna get a handful of them posted now, but there were so many good ones that there just isn't enough time to get all that prepped up. So I'm taking the easy way out and just giving you two images, in the CoolPix super size, to give you an idea of what to expect before long when I get 25 or 30 images strung together for you to enjoy.
The first image above is the whole airplane so you can see what an F4U-5 Corsair looks like, if for some interesting reason you don't already know. And then the second image below begins the journey into looking at the Corsair more closely, and with a slightly skewed perspective. The beautiful sky and sunshine make these pix all the nicer... be sure to click them to open up the biggie size. And then keep an eye out in the next week for a big string of fabulous Corsair images to appear. I can hardly wait!
(click pic for hi-res) Big prop, big sky: F4U-5 Corsair at the 2012 Indy Air Show

Reader Comments (3)
Wow! Great photos, as usual!
Come on, everyone... let's get those donations rolling! Surely this is the greatest aviation site on the internet! I enjoy it every day, and I hope you do, too.
Thanks, Martt!
I agree with Gary. Martt does a fantastic job finding & posting great photographs and interesting videos. I read this site every day and is well worth a few of my $.
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