Got A Minute? Then Watch This Awesome 'All Blacks' 777 Takeoff Video!

The internet's a lot like that room in your house that's stacked high with boxes full of stuff... lots and lots of stuff. A lot of it's junk of course, stuff that should have been thrown away a long time ago. But some of it is the really good stuff, you just don't know which box it's in. That's where I come in. I go thru boxes and boxes of crap looking for the good stuff.
This video is definitely some of the good stuff. It's of the Air New Zealand Boeing 777 painted in the rugby All Blacks scheme taking off on 24L out of Los Angeles. It's very nicely shot by SpeedbirdHD but the really awesome parts are the various displays of Prandtl–Glauert Singularity (engine intakes, over the wings, and the thin stream over the wing coming off the engine strakes), and also the downwash and vortices that can be seen as the airplane passes thru some misty air as the gear cycle completes. It's the kind of video you should watch over and over and over. You can always see more details as you keep watching, and since the video is only a minute long, you can watch it 6 to 10 times and still not invest the time it would take to look thru that first box full of stuff : )
Btw, in case you were impressed with my use of the term Prandtl–Glauert Singularity, don't be. I'd never heard the official name for all that cool condensation that we see around fighter jets in the transonic speed range (or on airliners like in this video) but I did a bit of research and learned more about it. That's where I first learned of the official term of Prandtl–Glauert Singularity, and the sites linked here and here seem to have some pretty interesting info about it.
Reader Comments (1)
I know I have said this many times on twitter but the all blacks 777 is the best looking 777 bar none