OSH12 Wednesday 7-25-12: The Best Place On Earth! (10 Pix)

A dad and son make a unique Red Barn ice run Wednesday morning in Camp Scholler
(10 pix - click any pic to enlarge)
This post and the rest of the OSH12 posts are being put up several days late due to my computer get caught (and rendered inop) in a surprise and extremely intense rain storm on Thursday at Oshkosh. After getting a day of rest on Monday, I'm using backup resources to get caught up on everything. Things should be back to normal in a couple more days.
I'm a firm believer that the EAA gathering at Oshkosh each year is the absolute best place on Earth. I don't know of any other event that brings so many people together for so many days and remains calm, clean and so encouraging. And you can add to that a great sense of humor too... like the fun little winged go-kart pictured above. With dad 'flying' from the back seat, the little guy gets strapped in up front, and some simple OSB wings and tail surfaces complete the airplane theme. That's a pretty slick way to get around Camp Scholler. You still see some unique vehicles like this, tho I don't know why we haven't seen another official 'Crazy Camp Vehicle Contest' like we did back in 2009.
Anyway, here are several more pix from the day on Wednesday at the greatest aviation gathering in the world, and most likely the greatest human gathering in the world too : )
So how about putting a little 120hp turboprop on your Zenith CH 701? That's what the cool guys from EhPro Custom Fabrication in Trinity Texas did! They scratch built the CH 701 and then adapted one of those surplus JFS-100-13 turboshaft starter motors from the old A-7 Corsair II and made it into a turboprop! They also seem to have designed that slick little wing tent seen under the right wing. These guys are forward thinkers that have another project in the works that draws from what they've learned on the turboprop CH 701... no details are available on it for now, but I think we should keep an eye on these guys. Really interesting stuff and great work done here!
Andy Chiavetta (in the gray t-shirt) answering questions about his debut aircraft, the Aerochia LT-1 Bobcat... it's a smallish composite aircraft becoming available as a kit that can cruise in the 160 mph range on 55hp! I sat in the cockpit and found it very roomy and quite comfortable. This is definitely an airplane to keep an eye on. I've got more pix and info coming soon.
The amazing Super Chub was back at Oshkosh again this year. The oversized 'Super Cub inspired' homebuilt aircraft designed and built by Brandon Jewett makes him far more comfortable with his 6'5" frame than a standard Super Cub would. And while the airplane is really big and tall, it's not quite as massive as it looks in that top pic where the guys standing by the left tire are only twice as tall as the tire! The bottom pic gives you a more accurate perspective! I'm hoping to get some great in-depth info to share with you on this beautiful flying machine sometime in the future.
The 90% scale Spitfire from Supermarine Aircraft in Cisco Texas making a pass in one of the aircraft showcases. This beautiful 2-place aluminum airplane is powered by a modified Corvette engine and captures 100% of the passion of the real Spitfire for a lot less cash. The project originated in Australia but has been in the US for a few years now. I'm hoping to gather up loads more details on this interesting homebuilt before long since I have some semi-direct connections to the company. It sure looked and sounded great at OSH12!
It's easy to just say: that's not a very pretty airplane. but you'd sure be missing the point of the PAC P-750 XSTOL. This is one serious workhorse of the sky. And the flight demo put on at Oshkosh was a lot of fun to watch! This New Zealand based certified aircraft has been very successful as a skydive aircraft as well as a variety of other hardcore utility roles. 750hp of PT6 turboprop perfection make it extremely dependable too. Everyone should have at least one of these : )
And here's a nice pic of the ORBIS flying eye hospital DC-10 on display at Oshkosh. I especially like this pic because my friends (and fellow CampBacon mates) @DaveFlys, @PilotDamon, and @PilotConway are in the process of interviewing one of the ORBIS flight crew for one of their podcasts on OSH. Click their twitter links to go learn more about the podcasts that these guys put out.
Reader Comments (3)
The dad and son pictured are Kurt Stanich with Oliver. Kurt is SIC in management at KUES. Looks like their project is working out! Great pic!
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