Video: David Algie's LP1 Making Great Progress Toward First Flight

See also: Algie Composite Aircraft 'LP1' - 385 MPH At FL290 & 14.5 GPH?
2010 AirPigz 'HOTY' - Algie Composite Aircraft LP1
David Algie is getting the extremely impressive LP1, his carbon fiber, pressurized, high-altitude 2-seat speedster much closer to the first flight. However, as anyone with experience or knowledge of the prototyping process of a completely new aircraft can tell you, there's just no way to when the first flight will take place. The video above shows the first taxi test that was done recently and the airplane is definitely looking good. With a main landing gear reminiscent of the SX-300, the LP1 looks bold and sounds impressive with its Chevy LS Corvette engine spinning David's homebuilt 4-blade prop.
Although there had been hopes of getting the airplane in the air in 2011, the combination of several complex systems (retractable gear, cooling system, wiring etc.) along with David's limited resources have pushed the completion back somewhat. However, I don't hold that against David, especially when we see the kind of delays the A380, A400M and the 787 all encountered. Sure, those projects are on a much grander scale, but they also had an unimaginable amount of resources at their disposal. The more you understand what David is accomplishing here on this project, the more impressive his effort is!
Algie Composite Aircraft LP1 on the gear and getting closer to first flight (photo: ACA)
Check out these resources to keep up on the progress of the LP1: the Algie Composite Aircraft website, the Woodward Aerospace facebook page, or
Reader Comments (6)
Looks like a Wheeler Express that went on a diet.
More power to the guy for doing something new and cool, but I have serious concerns with this thing. Innovations that work come one at a time, not as a package. System after system I see on that project give me the hibbie jibbies..
Dudewanarace - I understand your thoughts and concerns, but I have found that David seems to be wired for a task of this magnitude. All we can do is watch and hope he succeeds : )
David is obviously a very gifted individual, but I would be reluctant to make a down payment on an aircraft prototype that has never left the earth. How can they be taking orders for kits when the aircraft has not been flight tested thoroughly? There may end up being major modifications to the airframe and systems necessitated by data obtained during flight testing. Has there been any structural testing or modeling?
David,still watching remember 99.9% of G code is not the same plane legally,it can b yours apart from the original contract
DAVID ,still watching,read all the legal briefs,HAS IT FLOWN ????