Grass Roots Perfection: Antique Airplane Association Fly-In 2012 (9 Pix)

(click any pic to enlarge) The amazing Boeing Model 40C at Antique Airfield (2012)
(9 pix - click any one to see enlarged)
I was a member of the Antique Airplane Association when I was a kid (thanks dad!) but I haven't been active as a member or to any of the official Fly-Ins since the early 70's... until today. I joined the AAA again (you have to be a member to participate in the fly-in) and I'm at Antique Airfield near Blakesburg Iowa right now! The AAA/APM Invitational Fly-In runs August 29th thru September 3rd, and I drove over from northern Indiana yesterday afternoon and evening, slept in the car (of course) and arrived at Antique Airfield this morning. Btw, the APM in the official event name stands for Airpower Museum, the museum that's based at Antique Airfield. Also, just to clarify, the official website for the AAA is
The weather wasn't the best when I arrived early this morning - overcast skies with some wind and a light drizzle. But there were awesome and beautiful antique airplanes all over the place! There weren't very many people milling about just yet either making it easy to get some great pix. Antique Airfield and the fly-in are pretty much at the total opposite end of the spectrum from Oshkosh. It's very calm, quiet and really laid back at Antique Airfield, and I love that. If you know much about me you know I love Oshkosh very passionately, but I can already see that Antique Airfield is Awesome with a capital AAA : )
The following are some pix from the first hour of checking out the goodies at the fly-in under the morning misty sky. I love this place! The only problem I have is wondering where exactly did we take a wrong turn in the design of aircraft? How and why did we move away from flying machines that inspire passion and excitement? That would make for a very interesting discussion, and we won't debate that right now, but I'm thinking the words Tri and Pacer are a pretty good starting point. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this first look at some of the antique aircraft at the 2012 AAA fly-in... and watch for more to come soon.
Wow, I have always had a very soft spot in my heart for the Ryan SCW!
A beautiful Travel Air with one of the Antique Airfield hangars in the background
A little Aeronca C-3 powered by a 40hp Aeronca engine next to some beastly biplanes!
Boeing 40C along with a Travel Air and a stunning Laird biplane (more pix later)
Perfect shape, perfect paint... a perfect airplane - 1929 Waco ATO Taperwing
Reader Comments (1)
Cool article, I also post things about vintage airplanes here hopefully it of interest.