The DH98 Mosquito Lives Again - Bravo Avspecs! First Flight 9-27-12

(click pic to enlarge) Mosquito flies after 8 year restoration (photo: Avspecs facebook)
Here's an awesome pic from the Avspecs Limited facebook page of the Mosquito in the air near Auckland New Zealand on its first day back in the sky, Thursday 9-27-12. Could and airplane look more pefect than this?! The caption for the pic on their page: The DH98 Mosquito lives again! What a day! 3 flights and all home safe and sound.
Bravo to all the people involved in making this dream become a reality. Lets hope that this is just the first of several Mosquito aircraft finding their way back into the wild blue yonder.
To keep learn more about the Mosquito project, check out these links:
Avspecs facebook page
Avspecs official website
Military Aviation Museum (owner)
(builder of the molds for the Avspecs wooden fuselage and restoring another Mossie)
And you might want to check the AirPigz Mosquito category for the other recent posts on this restoration as well as a few additional Mosquito posts from the past.
Reader Comments (1)
Amazing! This is wonderful! I am a Mossie fanatic from a long way back in my childhood when I first saw 633 SQN. What I wouldn't give to have one!