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Video: Keyboard As An Elevator... The Flying Piano! (RC)

 There seems to be no end to the number of everyday items that can be turned into a wild-n-wacky RC flying model, including a grand piano! And what a great flying piano it is too. With a slab keyboard for the elevator (it's split, not sure if it's elevons) and a profile piano man for the rudder, this lightweight electric has a lot of wing area and performs quite well, especially at high angles of attack. The video is well done too which makes it all the more fun to watch. But if you're not a fan of piano music you might wanna turn the speakers down.

 This is definitely one of the world's most unique biplanes : )

  Video screenshot: when tuned right, this flying piano has perfect pitch : )

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Reader Comments (2)

great, hope to see more of his music, you're gonna do great

November 5, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMEA

Thanks for sharing!!

Audio engineers are professionals with an unparalleled orientation for music and music production in live concerts. It has a panel of experts who coordinate the melodies and rhythms. If you want to look for the best recording studio

January 12, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterShipwreck Recording

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