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Awesome Top Gun Video Imagery... Red Star Style (Su-33)

 This is a fabulous collection of Sukhoi Su-33 video imagery operating off of the Admiral Kuznetsov carrier and it definitely gives off a strong Top Gun vibe. I always find it interesting to see operations like these from different cultures as it typically shows how much alike we all are as people as we work toward protecting our National ideals. I'm guessing the rush these pilots feel flying their somewhat old-school Su-33's is exactly the same as the rush an American pilot feels in an F/A-18. However, I doubt there's ever been a rush felt any bigger than the Su-33 pilot in this: Video: Sukhoi Cobra Carrier Approach - Advanced Maneuver!

 An interesting side note here is that only around 24 Su-33's were built, so it's actually a pretty rare aircraft. It was developed out of the Su-27 land based fighter of which almost 700 were built.


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