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CoolPix: Summer Dreamin' - Rutan Boomerang At Oshkosh 2012

(click pic for hi-res) Unique view of a most unique aircraft: the Rutan Boomerang at OSH12

 The combination of some bitter-cold winter air in my part of the world, along with not-enough-hours-in-the-day (too much day-job work to get done) led me to this unique view of Burt Rutan's Boomerang that I captured at Oshkosh 2012. I needed something quick to post and I wanted it to remind me of warm summer days... wow, this Boomerang pic hits the spot perfectly!

 Burt put this incredibly unique mid 1990's airplane in the hands of Scaled Composites employee Tres Clements who headed up a crew that restored the one-of-a-kind aircraft to airworthy condition in 2011. It was a fabulous treat to see the airplane at OSH11, and it felt like an old friend was back again at OSH12. It does my heart good to see people sitting in the grass using the Boomerang for shade on sunny summer day in Wisconsin. That's just one of the thousands of reasons why Oshkosh is the greatest place on Earth to me.

 You can learn more about the airplane at - and of course I recommend you click the pic to open up this CoolPix so it fills your screen. A closer look means you'll likely notice the airstair door, the windshield-plug-door for cockpit access (along with the retractable foot step forward of the wing), and the off-center nosewheel... which is not only off-center of the main fuselage but probably isn't really on the airplane's centerline. At least I don't think it is. Truthfully, I'm not sure Burt even knows where the true centerline of the Boomerang is! 

 Anyway, a great pic of an incredible airplane at the world's greatest aviation event : )


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