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Video: Sean D. Tucker - The Man, Living With Passion

 I've watched Sean Tucker fly airshows since the early 80's but it's only been recently that I've really been paying attention. I got a little disinterested back in old days when it seemed that he was on a path that wouldn't be ending well... and I learned in a presentation he did at Oshkosh on Sunday evening before the big week started that Bob Hoover felt much the same way back in those days. But Bob was a friend of Sean's and he made his feelings known, and it seemed to be a wake-up call to Sean to integrate a realistic level of margin into his routines.

 Sean has proven in these last 15 years that you can have the safety margins needed and still put on a world-class extreme airshow that'll leave the audience just as impressed as they were in the old days. I like that, I like that a lot. I also learned in that presentation that there's a lot of depth, passion, discipline and all around kindness in Sean Tucker. And I think this recently uploaded video does a great job of sharing all that.

 At 61 years of age, Sean D. Tucker appears to be at the top of his game.

Sean D. Tucker Named Young Eagles Honorary Chairman

 (click pic to enlarge)  Video screenshot of Sean D. Tucker 'Living With Passion'

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Reader Comments (3)

I had the same feeling when he first started, he's come a long way IMO. I'm also glad he was chosen as Young Eagles chairman over some hollywierd jerk.

October 3, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterseerjfly

Was planning on seeing Tucker fly at the Miramar airshow today, but it seems they don't open USMC bases when the government is shut down. The blues were, of course, already lost due to sequestration, but now the entire show is cancelled.

October 4, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterC Spirko

C Spirko - sorry Miramar didn't happen... but as far as I can tell, our President is bent on 'making' pain for the people when there's no need for it other than his own delight... as seen with the WWII memorial debacle, spending money to prove that there's no money to open a memorial that should always be open anyway. And the Blue Angels and Thunderbirds are another good example: the government saves a few dollars grounding them and in the process does millions of dollars damage to a large number of local economies. It's all a game, it's fixed, and we are not the winners.

October 4, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMartt (admin)

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