Aerospace 9... Another Avgeek Idea From My Grey Matter

It's true, I have too many ideas. Seems to be some sort of handicap actually... a steady stream of self-proclaimed great ideas without the resources to make them become reality. It truly drives me crazy. I desperately need a team of highly motivated and ultra sharp worker bees to help me make all this stuff in my head become real. But don't hold your breath on the ever happening, at least not until I make one of them very successful on my own. So I keep trying.
The graphic above is a teaser for a project I'm gonna try hard to make happen. It's a sliver of the website for the project that I'm working on the design for. And in case you're wondering, my FLY Energy Bar project is still in the works, but I've reached a challenging point dealing with the baked product long-term moisture content and retaining finished product texture quality over a long shelf life. I think I'll get it figured out, it's just that so far, I haven't.
So, Aerospace 9 is the reinvention of the AirPigz Photo Studio idea that I tried to launch over 2 years ago. My understanding back in 2011 was that I was going to be granted permission for AirPigz to effectively license the use of images I had taken at a particular aviation event, but that permission never came thru. I was even told more than once that it would. But it didn't. Without that permission I was unable to move forward.
Recently I figured out a way to head off in a different direction to create an even better concept for upscale high-quality avgeek art. I'm not giving details now but you should be able to get an idea if you look closely at the graphic above. I will say this to start the saliva flowing: X-15, SR-71, XB-70 and B-58. There's also one specific hand-built element to the project that stands the chance of generating some real income while also making the operation highly respected. I like both of those possibilities : )
Aerospace 9: bleeding edge art

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