Video: Will You Take Your Russian AN-2 Biplane Waterskiing This Summer?
Disclaimer: the acts depicted in this video are not recommended, suggested or indorsed for anyone at anytime. However, if you feel you must take your airplane waterskiing this next summer, please be sure to do these two things: first, have enough cash in the bank to replace the (insert your beloved aircraft here) so you'll be prepared when the insurance company says "you did what?"... and second, it is recommended that have a good, right, and true relationship with Jesus as there is a good chance your spirit will soon be making a journey thru space to pay Him a visit!
I've long understood that a great pilot can put the main tires of a taildragger on the water and have a fun-to-watch waterskiing adventure, but an average pilot will likely run into some very serious trouble giving it a go. Fortunately the pilot of this big ole Russian AN-2 biplane did a great job of rolling the mains in the water. You can get a pretty good sense for what's really going on if you look closely in these two passes as the airplane bounces a bit off the water. With enough velocity, the water is much more like a hard surface runway... but you sure better not slow down too much, and you sure better keep those tires from getting too deep in the water!
You might have seen the video of the four T-6's waterskiing in South Africa back in 2006.... kinda makes this AN-2 stunt look positively boring.
And remember, please don't try this at home!
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