Video: Taking A Dip In SeaRey Amphibian Paradise!

I put up an amphibian SLSA poll back in February to see if the airplane that makes the most sense to me would come out on top... and it has in a big way. With over 500 votes in currently, the Progressive Aerodyne SeaRey is way out in front with over 51% of the vote. The SeaMax M-22 is in second and the is-it-hype-or-is-it-not ICON A-5 is now lagging way back in last place with just under 18% of the vote.
I wasn't looking to put any airplane down in this poll, but I was interested in seeing the SeaRey get the credit it deserves for being such a great, versatile and fun flying machine. And now that the kit airplane that has had over 600 deliveries is now being made available as a ready-to-fly SLSA, there's more reason than ever before for people who are interested in an affordable amphibian to take a good long look at the SeaRey. The recent comments on the poll page from SeaRey owners echo all the advantages that I pointed out when I personally picked it as the best SLSA amphibian available... and owner opinions are worth a lot more than my observer opinion!
The video above does a great job of showing how a well-designed amphibian (especially one that's a taildragger!) comes about as close to being the perfect flying machine as you're ever gonna find! I want a SeaRey!
Video screenshot showing some sweet fun flying in SeaRey paradise

Reader Comments (3)
Chesapeake Sport Pilot at W29 (Kent Island, Md) has a SeaRey they built, and they have LODA for it so they can do training flights. I did my primary at CSP. They are a great outfit.
Just saying, if anyone is in the area and interested...
The life!! ~J~
Completed my classic Searey in '06. I still absolutely love it! Flew 2200 miles from Tampa to upstate NY and back two years ago. A lifelong dream. The new LSX upgrade makes it an even better plane.