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Video: Boeing 787 Aerobatics At The 2013 Paris Air Show!

 Hang on, don't get too excited here... the FAA defines 'aerobatics' in FAR 91.303 like this: Aerobatic flight is an intentional maneuver involving abrupt change in an aircraft's attitude, an abnormal attitude, or abnormal acceleration, not necessary for normal flight. By that definition, the 787's climb-out on takeoff Wednesday at the Pairs Air Show that reached about 40 degrees nose up would be defined as 'aerobatics' : )

 So, while there wasn't really anything else incredible done during the flight demo, it was another great opportunity to see the Dreamliner show off its graceful wings and overall beautiful design. I put up an airliner beauty poll a couple weeks ago putting the 787 up against the new Airbus A350 (which made its first flight last week) and so far the 787 is still well out in front with over 73% of the vote. They're both good looking airliners tho, and they both seem to be selling like hotcakes!

 Enjoy the video... and imagine the wild ride in the cockpit on that takeoff!

Video screenshot of the 40 degrees nose up 787 climb-out at the 2013 Paris Air Show

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Reader Comments (5)

Hey, look at that, a jumbo jet that can get in and out of John Wayne or Burbank airports!

June 20, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterTwoFiveZulu

Certainly a beautiful airplane! But was is a "Pairs" airshow?

June 21, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterPeter Krentz

Pete Krentz- Ha! Well, since the Airbus A350 didn't make it to the event for display/demo, I guess it wasn't a "Pairs" airshow : )

I've now corrected my mistake in the post title... that's what happens sometimes when you work all day at your regular job... are trying to start a new company against all odds (FLY Energy Bar)... and in your spare time are trying to run an awesome aviation blog that often gets new posts when you're dog tired : D

Thanx for pointing out the error, I do appreciate it!

June 21, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMartt (admin)

at 2:17 you can see a vortex roll off the right engine over the top fo the wing.
What ever it was a good show, Even had a DC 3 on the ramp.

June 21, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterdon

Its been awhile but today I saw an ANA 787 climbing out of Seatac ( I live just a few miles south of the departure runway) It is still the one to beat for shear elegance and beauty. When it turns west to point towards Japan, those curved wings are put into profile. Really something to see. It looks made for the air.
The A350 is a nice looking machine but it still looks a bit pedestrian. The wings don't seem to curve so I wonder if they used titanium instead of composite for the internals.

June 22, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterTerence

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