The Old Straight-Tail Cessna 310... A Trike I Really Like! (With Sky King Video)

(click pic to enlarge) Circa 1957: the Cessna 310B used in the Sky King TV series
After seeing an old straight tail 310 in that sweet 1950's era video I posted yesterday I figured I should take the time to let y'all know that my love for taildraggers doesn't mean I can't love a trike too... in fact, the old straight-tail Cessna 310 has been making my heart beat faster since I was about 7 years old, which was way back in 1968. There's those sleek and simple lines of the earliest 310's, plus that very short nose, which also had the nose gear strut mounted about as far forward as possible. And then you've got those awesome over-the-wing augmented exhaust pipes in the aft end of the engine nacelles and the big beasty tip tanks! Wow, I'm serious when I say I would have me a late 50's 310 if I had the green for it.
I have no recollection of watching the old Sky King series on TV when I was a kid (tho I do remember seeing Whirlybirds and Ripcord) but I'm sure the national exposure for the 310 was some great advertising for Cessna. In the video at the bottom of the post you can see the Sky King 310, known as Songbird in the show, in the intro as well as thru the episode.
It would sure be cool to have a 1957-1959 310 and clean it up extra sharp and put an awesome retro styled paint scheme on it, but one that makes it a total show off in the process. What a hot old-school way to make some noise with a couple Continental O-470's and a cruise speed of 220 mph! If the cash is ever flowing abundantly in my life, don't be surprised to see me out playing with my old straight-tail Cessna 310! (FYI: my fantasy hangar has at least 30 airplanes in it, with about 80% of them taildraggers : )
(click pic to enlarge) Early Air force 310 (L-27A, and later designated U-3A) photo: wiki

Reader Comments (4)
When our hero is trying to make a dry lake-bed dead-stick, he remarks, "Songbird has a four to one glide ratio"
Whaaat? That's worse than the Space Shuttle!
I know, I know, it has to be dramatic! But the 310 sure was cool. It was easily my favorite twin growing up. ( before I stood next to an F7F )
BTW, I noticed a few Navions in the airport background shot. My dad and I used to airport hop up and down California in the early '70s. No matter how out-of-the-way the strip was, we could always count on a Navion being parked next to the strip!
It was a great show for a 9 year old kid. Hey, it was reruns. I'm not that old.
I was an avid Sky King fan because it had ... AIRPLANES! Although I will admit that I thought the original T-50/UC-78 Songbird was more of a "real" airplane because it had the wheels in the right places and round engines. ;-)
310 has more like a 10 to 1 glide ratio!
Been reading what you love. I have a 55 ‘
Cessna 310 , one of the 3 that was used in the Sky king series. Last flying
One. It’s in Ak. Where I live and I love flying it. Best I found out, one was in parts in a garage
And a pilot wrecked the other one and was totaled unfortunately. Mine has the O-470M engines and now has the 3 bladed props on it. Completely went thru it a couple winters ago
Cams and lifters were somewhat pitted so all replaced
Now. I have a Cessna 401 we use for work in Alaska to do crew changes and maintenance on our Dc-4’s we still operate hauling Fuel. Obviously a weakness for old iron.
But getting in songbird is like hoppin’in Jaguar after flying either of the other two.👍😎
If u like old iron, Google DC-4 low takeoff Bettles Alaska. Cheers you all !