AirPigz, Clipped Wing Cubs, And A Phoenix Rising

After an extended break from daily posting, there's a good chance that I'll be back at it on some sort of regular schedule soon. It's interesting that while in hibernation an opportunity has come along that might be the catalyst for AirPigz to rise up like a Phoenix. So if you've been a fan of AirPigz in the past, keep your fingers crossed that the pieces fit and regularly scheduled avgeekery can begin once again.
To celebrate I figured it would be appropriate to share this video I found the other day of the exact Clipped Wing Cub that I used to fly when I was a teen. It's the same airplane in the pic I posted when I announced the AirPigz Fequency Change. The short and random video is from a couple years ago, and shows the airplane looking far better than it did when I was flying it back in the early 80's.
There aren't many flying machines cuter than a Cub with wings that look no longer than the airplane is long (tho they are really still 6 feet longer than the length)
If things continue to improve in my financial world, there's gonna be an authentic CWC or a homebuilt version with my name on it either this year or next. Money talks... and in my world, money likes to talk about Clipped Wings Cubs!

Reader Comments (4)
Welcome back Martt. This is like a visit from a long lost friend. For an Avgeek who goes to this site a couple times a week, 2 months is an eternity. I pray you can make your dream work out. See ya at OSH.
Thank you Fred... for your encouragement AND your support : )
I check your site every day. Great to hear from you.
Great to see that Aipigz is back!