Video: Is This Real? Drunk Airline Pilot (Must See)

Of course it's not real, but it sure is funny! If you're under 40 you might never have seen the late Foster Brooks do his many different 'drunk man' routines on TV (back when there were only 3 networks!) - but then again, because of youtube you might be very familiar with him. It's crazy funny comedy, partly because he does it sooo well. Imagine trying to keep a straight face during this routine.
I also find it fascinating that while Foster drew from his earlier years of drinking for the character, during his period of fame with it he rarely drank at all. As a pretty much non-drinker myself, I can relate to that.
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Reader Comments (2)
Ha! More evidence that you are my brother from another mother, Martt! Foster Brooks was hilarious. I've always loved this bit. Deano is loving it too. Classic!
Brooks was the best!