Awesome Hi-Res Pic Of 787 First Flight With Gear Up!

Click the pic to go to Wired's story with a hi-res version of it’s Autopia Blog did a nice overview of the Boeing 787 program with the basics of what makes this airplane significantly different than the airliners coach passengers have been complaining about for the last 30 years. And, at the end of that story is a link with the follow up story “take a look at the interior of the 787” which goes even deeper into the new thinking Boeing is integrating into the 787 to vastly improve passenger comfort.
There’s an even bigger reason to check out the Autopia 787 post tho… it’s that 'first flight' pic seen above. They have that pic at the top of their story set so you can click it to go to a hi-res version of it. But it gets even better, cuz you should be able to click it again and it gets even bigger! Seriously, it’s like you are right there with the airplane on its first flight! It also very cool since they only cycled the gear once on that flight, and this pic has the gear up. So, stop reading this now and click the pic above to go to Autopia post. (and please try to minimize your drooling when looking at the hi-res pic!)

Reader Comments (1)
I really like this blog post, it has some great info. Thank you and keep up good work.
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