Caption Contest #23: A TP Masterpiece - Ends Wednesday 12.30.09 At 9PM EST

Looks like some silly jokesters made a serious investment in this prank… that’s a lot of TP! I’m not really sure what direction works best for funny captions for this pic, but I have a gut feeling that y’all will know what to do with it.
So, here’s your chance to finish 2009 with more than just a New Year’s Eve party, you could be a winner of $20 AirPigz funny money if you come up with the best caption (wow, that’s some powerful incentive, eh? wink, wink)
You’ve got til Wednesday evening at 9pm EST to submit captions, then I’ll pick the 5 best captions and put ’em in a poll for everyone to vote on.
The Rules:
1) Max of 3 submissions per person
2) Submissions go in the 'comments' area
3) Game ends Wednesday at 9pm EST
4) Keep it clean!
Anyone who wants to cast their vote will be able to after the poll goes up around an hour after the 9pm Wednesday submission deadline.
We'll vote for 24 hours, til 9pm EST on Thursday. Then the winner will be posted Friday morning 1-1-10. Thanx for playin’!
Reader Comments (9)
Christo and Jeanne-Claude decided to combine their exotic art and their need for a hangar with mediocre results on both subjects.
No, no, no, I said A&P.
I think we just found Amelia Earhart. And it turns out she really did have dysentery!
1) Next time, don't forget to tip the line boy!
2) I'm never parking under that tree again!
3) Spaghetti, anyone?
Despite great local success, Arizona Portable Hangars, Inc. found that their sales in rainier parts of the country were simply horrible.
This was the weirdest Icing I have ever seen!
I see you are going as part of the Ghost Squadron for Halloween.
What is the Metar/Taf abbreviation for a Charmin Microburst?
We're a shoe-in for Dirty Bird at OSH10. Take that, twin beechers! Reference: Dirty Bird Express 2009 (one of the more awesome things to engage folks, if I do say so myself)
Anybody needing to use a toilet in Oshkosh is gonna be ticked, but I think we put their July TP shipment to good use.
Submissions are now CLOSED for Caption Contest #23 - the poll should be up by 10pm EST Wednesday 12-30-09. Thanx!