AirPigz Funny Money - Worth Slightly More Than The Paper It's Printed On!

The treasurer of the 'Pig Pen' has authorized the printing of official AirPigz money in $5 and $20 denominations. You may already know that you can earn $20 in this currency by winning the ‘Caption Contest' played right here on the AirPigz site... and $5 by winning the AirPigz ‘Name The Plane' game. NTP is actually played live and interactive at, and you can get updates on when the game is played by following @NameThePlane over on that there twitter thingy.
The big question tho is what can you do with AirPigz funny money? Unfortunately it won't buy you a Big Mac or pay your electron bill, but you will be able to trade your accumulated winnings for cool prizes at an AirPigz event that's gonna take place during Oshkosh 2009.
The prizes aren't identified yet, and probably won't be til later in the year, but it should be some pretty sweet aviation stuff that you really want.
The overall idea here is to encourage people to make sure they get to Oshkosh this year, and to attend a special AirPigz event that will take place one evening during the fly-in. Those details aren't worked out yet either, but it should be a very cool time for AirPigz fans and aviation-oriented twitter people to gather together and talk airplanes!
I know that some people won't be able to make it to Oshkosh to trade their winnings, so right after the week is over, we'll open up the remaining prizes to be traded online. More details later as we get closer.
So, you get to have fun playing a couple of nifty aviation related games online with AirPigz, and then you can take your winnings and get cool stuff for free during Oshkosh 09... I'm thinking smack dab! So go ahead and tell some friends about what we've cooked up, and then mark your calendar for July 27 thru August 2 for Oshkosh 2009!
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