Caption Contest #30: Top Gun Edition - Ends Wednesday 2-17-10 At 9PM EST

Not sure if this is real or not, but it’s quite a sight either way. I’m thinking it’s pretty much perfect Caption Contest material : )
So here we go... you’ve got til Wednesday evening at 9pm EST to submit captions, then I’ll pick the best 5 and put ’em in a poll for everyone to vote on. The most popular caption will put the winner in line for $20 in AirPigz funny money.
The Rules:
1) Max of 3 submissions per person
2) Submissions go in the 'comments' area
3) Game ends Wednesday at 9pm EST
4) Keep it clean!
Anyone who wants to cast their vote will be able to after the poll goes up around an hour after the 9pm Wednesday submission deadline.
We'll vote for 24 hours, til 9pm EST on Thursday. The winner will be posted Friday morning 2-19-10. Have fun, and remember: a little top rudder can save the day!
Reader Comments (8)
I'm tellin' you guys, we can get twice as many of them on board if we store them on their wingtips like this!
Hit the burners Mav, we're to low!
Buzz the tower Mav!
1. Any of you boys seen an aircraft carrier around here????
2. Listen Rookie, you catch the wire with the HOOK, not the WINGTIP!
1. I think my attitude indicator may off.
2. Who taught you how to parallel park?
Tomcat Pizza starts to rethink their 30 minutes or less or it's free delivery policy.
"We couldn't find the model Tomcat for our lesson today, so you'll just have to answer quickly. Who wants to point out the ailerons?"
Submissions for the Caption Contest are now closed.
The poll for voting should be up Thursday morning (2.18.10) - thanx!