Caption Contest #34: A Near-Miss Winner!

I've always thought it odd when someone says 'near-miss' to describe two airplanes that came really close to each other... seems like if it was a near-miss, then maybe they actually hit? So, to stir the pot a little (and oh how I do love to stir the pot), I've included near-miss in the title here : )
The winning caption by @Willhamrick is a pretty clever twist on the pic of a car skydiving out the back of a Skyvan. He's got the two having just missed each other in the air thanx to some onboard TCAS. Great job on the unique captioneering!
Keep watch next Monday morning for an all new caption contest to fall out of the sky. (UPDATE: the Caption Contest is gonna take a break for a bit... absence makes the heart grow fonder)

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