CoolPix - Homebuilt: John Moody Flying The Easy Riser At SNF10

I might be throwing a lot of new CoolPix images at you in the near future since it’s so much more interesting to see an image fill your monitor so you can get in on the details. This ‘Homebuilts’ entry is a picture I took last Saturday morning at Sun n’ Fun of John Moody flying the Larry Mauro designed Easy Riser.
As I mentioned in the SNF 35 picture post from several days ago, John Moody pretty much started the ultralight movement many years ago flying a foot-launched Easy Riser up at Oshkosh. Prior to that event, it just wasn’t really thought by the masses that a small powerplant could transform a hang glider into a self-motivating flying machine. I just think it’s so cool to see him still flying an airplane like the Easy Riser about 35 years later!
The large version of this image really pulls you in and lets you see details like the many cables used for bracing the airframe, the translucent wing and rudder covering, and John having fun in the morning sunshine. It’s also interesting to ponder just how advanced this little airplane is with its biplane, swept wings and no horizontal tail. There are even kits available for the Easy Riser which allow you to get yourself off the ground in style for not much cabbage.
You can learn more about John and get more info on the Easy Riser kits at

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