Oshkosh 2010 Pic Stream #3 - Getting Settled In (16 pix)

Check out that long morning shadow coming off that Luscombe! Tuesday started with loads of sunshine and stayed that way most of the day. Some overcast appeared for a while in the afternoon, but it was a good day for weather.
Mid morning had lots of activity going on at AeroShell Square. Here, Art Nalls tells a very interested crowd about his Sea Harrier. This is the only privately owned flyable Harrier jump jet in the world.
The airplane is scheduled to put on some flight demos thru the week, and I'm sure it will attract a lot attention. I also talked with Art and we're working on doing a podcast before too long. I'm sure it will be fascinating to get the story behind the journey of pilot and airplane to reach this point.
How'd you like to have a grandpa who would make this for you?! As I worked my way around all the goodies on AeroShell Square, I spotted this ultra-cool DC-3 wagon with some pretty happy kids in it. Tho I think they might have been getting tired waving to all the people looking at them... they were very popular!
This is no simple little project here. Amazing detail is built into this rather large DC-3 caricature. As a side note, I've been unable to find any info on a 2010 crazy camp vehicle contest. I'm not sure why, but it doesn't look like they're having one this year.
You might remember a post I did back in March about the Dragonfly tip-jet powered rotorcraft that included some videos that really looked impressive. We had hoped it would be at Oshkosh... and it is! In fact, I've had the chance to talk with Ricardo Cavalcanti, CEO of Avimech, and my interest in this unique flying machine continues to grow. They're planning to fly it on Wednesday. I know lots of people are really interested in seeing it fly.
I missed the photo opportunity on Monday afternoon when the huge Erickson Air Crane arrived with the new Ford Explorer slung underneath. However, I did catch the itsy-bitsy Dragonfly tip-jet rotorcraft sitting next to the Air Crane. It's quite a contrast as the Dragonfly is a little over 250 pounds empty, and the Air Crane somewhere around 20,000 pounds!
Here's a close up view of one of the hyrogen peroxide fueled tip-jet engines on the Dragonfly. They're extremely small as you can see, but each one developes 102 hp, giving the Dragonfly 204 hp total. This kind of power enables it to have a whopping 800 pound useful load! I'll have lots more info on the rotorcraft coming soon.
Here's a beautiful view of Sean Tucker's used-to-be-a-Pitts Oracle Challenger sitting at the Lycoming display. Just like Jason Newburg's Oakley Viper, it's so nice to see extreme fabric covered biplanes still pushing the envelope and hanging in there with the carbon monoplanes.
So, what ya got under the hood? How about lots of screaming Lycoming power!
The interest and emphasis on the 'electric' movement is really picking up steam (pun intended). It really looks like electric powered airplanes are likely to become somewhat common here before long. Yuneec has airplanes available now, and it won't be long before several different answers to electric flight are available. I got pictures of the Sonex electric Waiex motor-running-demo on Sunday, and here it is on display on the EAA side of the airport.
Creating an electric package that can be successful in an airplane with a standard sized wing is an extreme challenge, but Sonex seems to be very close to making it work. The installation seen here is very straight forward looking, and seems to be a nice fit for the existing engine compartment.
Another view of the electric motor and battery installation in the Sonex Waiex. Based on comments from John Monnett, the electric powerplant should be able to make power somewhere between an AeroVee VW engine and the Jabiru 3300. The biggest challenge now is getting the duration of the battery pack at an acceptable level.
This is pure aircraft perfection in my opinion. It's the Bear 360, and it's built around the awesome Russian M-14 radial engine.
The Bear 360 is part meanness and part grace and beauty. That's a nice combo! Designed to be a sorta scaled down Bearcat, the airplane actually has a roomy 2-seat cockpit and some very impressive performance.
For now please enjoy this avgeek eye-candy... and then, watch for me to go in-depth into the design history and capabilities of this very special airplane.
And, more from Oshkosh 2010 just as soon as I can get it posted : )

Reader Comments (10)
Thanks for the posts and pics. Those of us who couldn't make it up there can at least live the dream vicariously! Great paint job on the Kodiak, the Bear looks pretty mean and I'm interested in the peroxide rocket-powered rotorcraft... hope the propellant is more stable than the old Me 163! That's the last time I remember it being used in an aircraft. Looking forward to more details.
Great pics and keep them coming, I would like to come to Oshkosh eventually but have to settle for online eye candy this time. Thanks.
Michael- Glad you like the pix and info. Unfortunately, due to paperwork issues, the Dragonfly pilot wasn't able to fly it at Oshkosh. I actually spent quite a bit of time with the Dragonfly people, and I'm thinking that this unusual helicopter is gonna be a pretty good success before long. I'll have some updates soon : )
Shannon- I'm glad I could I could toss a little candy your way!
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