Video: The Greatest Aerobatic Team Ever - Happy Thanksgiving!

Warning: this post contains a display of my unashamed belief in God, the Creator of the
universe and the inventor the awesome concept of flight - read on at your own risk : )
Here I go mixing flying and God again (I did it here, here and here), and there's no better day to do it than on Thanksgiving. This video by two young women is beyond fantastic... it shows an incredible display of starling birds doing that incredible formation flying that you've probably seen or heard of before. But this video is by far the best I've ever seen of the phenomenon. The girls were on the River Shannon in Ireland when the massive quantity of birds began swirling and flying in formation right above them. It's stunning, it's beautiful, and if you're anything like me, it really makes you think.
What it makes me think is this: how can this mass of birds possibly move as tho they are almost of one mind? How can the information of where the group is going be telegraphed across the mass so quickly? How can hundreds of thousands of birds fly so fast, in such a tight formation and not all wind up falling out of the sky?... especially when there is so much hard core aerobatics taking place.
To me there's only one answer. God.
The flight of these starlings in the video is pure miracle to me. But the basic concept of flight, both the flight of birds and the flight that we humans are able to enjoy, is a wonderful blessing from the mind of God. And I figure that Thanksgiving is the perfect day to reminded that we gather together with family and food to thank Him for all the blessings He has given us.
To the Lord of all creation, Thank You!
Screenshot from the video showing the unbelievable flight of the starlings

Reader Comments (4)
Psalms 19:1 "The heavens declare the glory of God; the sky displays his handiwork."
"Indescribable" Chris Tomlin
Hey, I saw that video of the starlings. It was a stunning sight.