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Video: Spend Some High Quality Time With The Airbus A380 

 A couple months ago I posted this: Mesmerizing HD Video Of The 787 Dreamliner In Flight (N787EX) - and in the interest of some equal time to the competition I'm posting this very impressive HD A380 video. There's no denying that the A380 is an amazing technological achievement... and seeing it tossed about the sky (when it's very light and in the hands of a highly experienced pilot) is pretty stunning.

 I love seeing control surfaces move and the airplane's response in videos like this, and you're not gonna beat that rudder deflection that takes place at :32 seconds - wow! There's also a few great vapor views of the airflow coming off the nacelle strakes. My A380 CoolPix from Oshkosh 2009 also showed these cool trails.

 So, it's high-fives to both Airbus and Boeing for taking the commercial airliner to amazing new levels of technology, efficiency and comfort.


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Reader Comments (1)

Awesome video. That is just amazing.

Luke O.
Just Colleges

December 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLuke Oothbed

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